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months from Apply Clear

Feature #1: Check and apply TreeCtrl improvement
Bug #3: Report scrolling with Painter content - scroll artifacts
Feature #10: XML: support different encodings
Feature #13: Sqlite3 character encoding
Feature #32: svn log filter to do almost automatic announcement texts
Feature #45: TheIDE: create 'import by #include' function
Feature #60: TheIDE could highlight matching if/else
Feature #73: improve color Standard conversions RGB <-> Cie XYZ <-> Cie L*a*b*
Bug #86: Implement proper system shutdown sequence in Win32/X11 backends
Bug #102: In linux, fix irregular scrollbar themes Amaranth and Crystal sphere
Feature #145: Check dotted flags behaviour
Feature #170: scalar Date conversion optimization
Feature #172: Sqlite3: foreign keys issue
Feature #174: SqlSchema: common way to define primary key with autoincrement
Bug #186: Resolve issue with sprintf in Format
Feature #187: Topic++ - consider selector of language (and perhaps always display en-us)
Bug #205: Problem with Forum
Task #208: Update PAD XML
Feature #220: Add reference example for ArrayCtrl columns / indicies
Feature #235: Support for Cygwin
Feature #238: Support windows manifest file, common builder commandline options for all modes
Feature #247: Use shared bz2, jpeg, tiff in linux
Feature #249: Consider SqlExp: create view as (as we already have Select)
Bug #254: MSSQL procedure call output parameters
Bug #262: Optimize HashBase, consider making it public
Feature #266: Breakpoints in templates
Feature #278: Better error handlong for JSON/XML
Bug #315: Check Skylark custom build steps (EXEDIR does not seem to work in Linux)
Feature #318: Add lockless support to Core and allocator
Bug #325: IDE: Unify umk Console and ide Console
Feature #335: Add CodeFolding to CodeEditor
Feature #350: Add reference: JsonRPC MT
Feature #364: Database option for app templates
Bug #373: Add timescan of iso8601
Bug #421: RichTextCtrl and RichEdit clipboar behavior
Feature #438: ArrayCtrl to show header fields when column width is too small
Bug #457: X11 selection does not work as source
Feature #465: Alphabetical sorting of documentation topics (the code)
Bug #476: Optimize void IconDes::SaveUndo()
Feature #480: Option: Keep svn commit message (or history?)
Feature #493: Skylark Replace '$'
Bug #496: Fix SQL threading issue
Feature #500: ide layout designer could pregenerate dialog based on struct/class definition (that includes .sch too)
Feature #501: Multiple configurations for theide
Feature #509: Add reference example for SQL functions
Feature #523: Periodic background jobs in skylark
Feature #525: Add CPU architecture flag(s)
Feature #536: .sch editor
Feature #543: Document .ini
Feature #547: Custom open/close images for TreeCtrl (and perhaps read from host GUI?)
Bug #552: Header/Footer QTF should have '^^' suppressed (check)
Feature #588: umk should allow release mode with full debug info
Bug #589: X11 'klikac' issue with DropList and ArrayCtrl
Feature #602: Help popup items should only display corresponding code item or perhaps even none of them
Feature #614: Correctly implement MemoryShrink
Task #650: Add GraphCtrl/GraphDraw to bazaar
Bug #668: Memory leak in SysExec
Bug #670: Should not IsString(Value((int)Null)) return true?
Feature #684: TheIDE could highlight errors in indentation
Feature #685: Consider aliasing SQLIDs
Bug #690: TURTLE: Prevent 'easy' leaving of page (disconnect)
Task #701: Write guide on MT GUI programming
Bug #703: Fix OpenGL/GTK
Feature #714: Investigate SqlSession overloading rules
Bug #733: GetTickCount / msecs should probably rather return int64
Feature #735: Sql: PARTIAL_INDEX_LIST should support String expression for where
Bug #757: GLDraw problem
Bug #758: Oci8 memory corruption
Feature #763: ide: svn cleanup option after doing sync
Feature #766: CodeEditor should show "something" for characters < 32
Bug #774: When dialog is moved from one screen to another, its MaxSize should be changed
Feature #776: TabCtrl should be able to Hide tabs
Bug #784: Check outgoing traffic
Feature #786: Option/Switch skinning
Feature #787: UnZip streaming mode (like Zip)
Bug #788: ide: Gdb_MI2 Weird issue with long strings
Feature #810: LineEdit: refactor recangular selection
Feature #826: Format/double variant that allows to specify both decimal and thousands separator
Bug #828: ide: Layout designer ctrl_alt_down/up not working
Feature #843: RegExp: Change rules for ReplaceGlobal for empty strings
Feature #849: ide: "Apply diff" (like directory comparison tool)
Feature #861: PDB enums
Bug #891: Fix thread__ issues
Bug #896: GLCtrl issue
Bug #907: Core/SSL: Add a way to choose method (SSLv3, TLSv1 ....), add SNI
Bug #917: GLCtrl on GTK backend is slow and posses arrtiffacts
Bug #921: add jpeg-ls
Feature #934: Review NetProxy code
Bug #936: X11 backend has problems with compiz
Bug #937: Fix cinnamon issues...
Bug #940: Random crashes in linux
Feature #949: Add win32 clang
Bug #956: Remove hand icon from calendar
Feature #964: Windows 8/7/Vista? menuitem style extension for inactive item
Feature #977: IDE - File open dialog (FileSel) should use "All file" option by default
Feature #985: Response files issue
Feature #991: Copy spellchecker files to website
Bug #995: Synchronize controls after SetValues
Bug #998: Switching menu bar item is potentialy slow (can generate lag effect)
Feature #999: It should be possible to define text of RichTextCtrl in Layout Designer
Feature #1004: Add "witz" highlight to IDE
Bug #1005: ide: DIFF syntax highlighting problem with multiline comments
Bug #1009: Turtle - FileSelector undefined
Bug #1014: ide: CdbHexView SetTotal should respect Win64
Feature #1020: ArrayCtrl ColumnCtrl
Bug #1021: Add bgp
Feature #1022: TextCtrl: UndoBuffer limit, consider compression (lz4)
Bug #1023: Check MI2
Bug #1033: jsonrpc seems to have problem with Null Date
Bug #1039: ide: Replace in block shows progress indicator for small (1000 lines) block
Bug #1040: ide: Check theide CPU activity while building
Bug #1043: LZ4Decompress can crash if input file is invalid
Bug #1047: Investigate issue of second loop in pdb debugger
Feature #1048: If package contains following packages "Skylark" or "Turtle" it can lauch web browser
Bug #1052: RichEdit::Print() fails when RichEdit is Floating()
Bug #1053: UWord to disable Save tool bar button after saving
Bug #1071: cpp: Resolve issue with iml/lay/sch
Feature #1073: cpp: .sch could allow #include
Feature #1088: InstallPanicMessageBox() available to program
Bug #1092: RichEdit: What is wrong with this code?
Feature #1093: SelectDirButton consider Append option
Feature #1097: Content-ID header issue with HttpRequest
Feature #1112: cpp: When adding (empty, or .cpp) file to project, do not check
Feature #1117: Improve PDB debugger
Bug #1121: Sometimes stop debuggin by button crash ide (GDB_MI2)
Bug #1150: ide: Log (e.g.) should be reloaded when activating theide
Bug #1155: ide/cpp/u++: Check why in linux, it consumes 328MB vs 100MB in windows
Bug #1158: cpp: Resolve specific declaration
Bug #1169: Failure "[INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTENT_CERTIFICATES]" when project contains native sources
Bug #1170: Android builder should look for deleted files
Feature #1182: Add logcat support
Feature #1187: ide: svn history double-click should go to line
Bug #1197: ide: Fix GccBuilder for OSX
Bug #1202: Kde problems with gdb - failed to set controlling terminal: operation not permitted
Bug #1203: ide TabBar issue
Feature #1204: Add NDK platform detection
Feature #1210: TabCtrl should be able to have tabs at bottom (and even better, left, right)
Feature #1223: Find(Replace) in files could predefine current directory
Bug #1227: Improve buildinfo
Bug #1228: Turtle should support full screen window
Bug #1237: Core: *Exists should accept non-regular names
Feature #1259: Add gnu-libstdc++ library version selection
Feature #1279: In comment link detection
Feature #1284: OpenGL 3 support
Feature #1285: CtrlLib: FileSel could perform reload on Activate
Bug #1293: GLCtrl dosen't recive key events
Bug #1303: Improve Android Builder output
Feature #1314: Assist++ could support local variable
Feature #1318: ide: Clicking on tree pointer could move memory pane
Feature #1319: ide: Some C++ types like size_t could be highlighted...
Feature #1323: ide: Number of columns could be per-file setting (just like tabs)
Feature #1332: cpp: Body resume
Feature #1333: cpp: Way to handle with special includes (e.g. like Rights.i)
Bug #1345: Consider replacing nasm
Feature #1353: Tag syntax could support indentations
Bug #1371: assist++ not working
Bug #1373: Problem with string and parenthesis
Bug #1375: Wrong postgresql include in many linux distros
Feature #1390: Change Win32 OpenSSL library
Feature #1400: Combine Navigator and Help
Feature #1420: ide: Find pane should resize search fields
Feature #1428: SVN Synchronize: option to disable nest
Feature #1433: Syntax highlight for Objective-C
Task #1437: Fix documentation links
Bug #1450: Fix uppbox
Feature #1462: File Categories should be crated from config file
Bug #1464: CtrlLib: Resolve visual glitch with pushed Button released (stays HOT)
Bug #1469: ToUpper, ToLower, ToAscii should work with UTF8
Feature #1470: Highlight deprecated parameters in [[annotation]]
Feature #1471: Implement 404 site for uppweb
Feature #1473: Dbus support for linux
Bug #1475: Find in current file should work when file is uppdate
Feature #1489: EncodeHTML could support embedded images for simpler operations.
Bug #1494: Assist++ Problem with auto
Bug #1516: Check utf-8 issue
Feature #1518: Better main package separation
Bug #1524: Parser: Auto type detection problem
Bug #1542: Check boost compatibility
Bug #1551: Insert package directory file dosen't work for .tpp file (directory)
Bug #1553: Investigate resizing issue
Bug #1558: Svn sync should be able to deal with A+ files (added e.g. by merge)
Feature #1559: Svn history could detect last revision and use local pristine copy
Bug #1564: CEF chromium in bin
Bug #1585: Check Prompt / TopWindow Image issue
Feature #1596: PrinterJob batch mode
Feature #1604: Streamlined and corrected CodeEditor bar size and positions
Bug #1607: ArrayCtrl sorting needs refactoring
Feature #1622: Layout designer should have crlf / lf / autodetection logic
Bug #1626: Add unittest of Painter
Bug #1630: Fix problem with ArrayCtrl::Sorting
Bug #1649: CtrlCore: 'CurrentTime' macro redefined in GtkX11Util.cpp file
Bug #1650: TreeCtrl set does not update the scroll rect
Bug #1655: PrinterDlg::SyncPrinterOptions
Bug #1665: Remove dependency of using shorts file name in GccBuilder
Feature #1669: TabBar should have buttons instead of close button possition detection
Task #1670: TabBar should support tool tip
Feature #1698: Color pusher should have it's representation in .usc file
Documentation #1717: Create "Build method" settings detailed documentation
Bug #1722: Check IDE with 1366x768, 125% text
Bug #1756: Linux issues with FullScreen
Task #1757: CodeEditor should not use global state for highlight
Feature #1758: decode / findarg
Bug #1780: ide: check handling of FileTime (probably the cause of 15 years unidentified undo crash problem)
Bug #1791: libpng issue
Feature #1801: Zstd custom memory allocation routines
Feature #1825: TheIDE should show the fulllist of currently setted breakpoints
Feature #1831: Replace widget arguments with 'double'
Bug #1860: Copy backtrace of all threads seems to damage thread list
Bug #1890: Update PCRE
Feature #1902: Check pthread_isequal issue
Bug #1915: Fix WhenPush issue
Feature #1923: Add T&& variants
Bug #1940: SVG to fix
Feature #1951: Add GCC/CLANG santizers support to theide (and perhaps autotests)
Bug #1964: Fix PGSQL with mingw
Bug #1965: RichEdit Ctrl+A behaviour
Bug #1966: RegExp
Bug #1973: Linux tarball installation MyApps might be missing templates
Feature #1983: Pasting image to slack
Feature #1985: Improve DateTimeCtrl
Feature #1993: Ide/Builders: U++ builder for clang-tidy
Bug #1999: Unused parameter multisamplebuffering in GLCtrl.h, line 151
Bug #2007: Minimal set for pkg-config dependencies in uppsrc/CtrlCore and uppsrc/Draw packages
Bug #2012: Remove more than one inclusion of header file(s)
Bug #2019: Fix svg files (or rather should be 'implement SVG filters....')
Bug #2022: Discrepancy: Mafile produces just single build_info.h
Feature #2023: MSSQL: WhenReconnect
Feature #2024: ide: Output mode additional flags
Bug #2033: GetDataFile problem in RPI
Feature #2038: Improve autotest
Bug #2039: clang c++ 17 issue
Bug #2054: OpenIndiana socket problem
Bug #2055: Rapsberry PI / LX desktop issue
Bug #2056: theide still generating empty assembly at checkout trunk
Bug #2058: Wine problem with changing the gui font size
Bug #2060: Multimonitor issue windows10
Feature #2061: Warnings option in error pane
Feature #2071: Connect help with layout designer
Bug #2084: MacOS issue with menubat (activated while function in progress)
Feature #2095: Add missing exceptions to App.cpp
Bug #2106: Investigate limit len of String for reference counting
Feature #2113: Build methods: Env variables?
Bug #2152: No MyApps assembly after fresh installation on Linux
Bug #2156: Check RichEditTest problem with exit
Bug #2158: Ide ideas: (for 2021.2)
Bug #2170: Improve breakpoints
Feature #2187: CppParser: Support auto *l = dynamic_cast<LayDesigner *>
Bug #2189: CppParser: Support Vector<String> h; for(auto s : h) { }
Feature #2195: ide: It would not hurt to add package/upphub path to open any file
Feature #2198: Optimize Jsonize Date/Time
Feature #2202: Repo sync could run in parallel
Feature #2203: Fix capital letters in IDs (Json vs JSON etc)
Bug #2204: reference/FilterStream did not compile, check autotest
Bug #2210: se/FP80 crashes pdb debugger
Bug #2211: git revert does not work
Bug #2215: Use host API for NLS sorting
Feature #2217: String refactoring
Feature #2220: Add Enable(list.IsCursor(), edit, up, down, remove);
Bug #2227: Debugger previous - next frame
Feature #2229: RenderGlyph could be implemented in Draw platform specific way (to avoid dependency on CtrlLib)
Bug #2231: Check Miriam Libre cmap (or even other fonts) - implement CFF in pdf
Feature #2232: c++ 17 should be now default
Feature #2236: umk/ide: Adaptive debug mode
Bug #2242: Should ConvertDouble do .g15?
Bug #2243: Assist issues
Bug #2245: ide view hard limit should be deduced based on memory maybe
Bug #2246: ide BOM UTF-16 does not work well
Feature #816: Handle resolution change event on all existing backends
Bug #1320: cpp: Resolve namespace issue
Bug #1348: Assist++ problems with class constructor implemented in file
Bug #1363: Run options per main package/flag
Bug #1364: Problem with opening main package
Feature #1376: Alternate real number formatters must be refactored
Bug #1380: Assist++ problem with auto deducing parameter problem)
Bug #1382: Support C++11 multiline string literals
Bug #1394: Japanese characters are too small in CodeEditor
Bug #1623: Resolve problem with Android build method name and compilation flag
Task #1628: Update libraries
Bug #1693: FileSel layout glitch on Windows 10 (Create directory button out of window)
Feature #1719: Add STARTTLS support to SMTP
Feature #1813: Report a bug - improve
Bug #1861: ide: C++11 raw strings mess up parenthesis highlighting
Task #1934: Flatpack support
Feature #2068: Core/Heap.h should be includable
Task #2075: reference/Oracle warnings MSVC
Bug #2126: TheIDE doesn't compile from archive on Debian due to lack of "msse4.1" flag
Feature #806: Assist++ could support programing languages keywords
Bug #1138: Navigator display dosen't show arrow symbolizing that there is more content in cell
Feature #1174: Core: Consider Win32 issue with orphaned processes
Bug #1286: cpp: Fix remaining issue gcc 4.9
Feature #1302: RichEdit could support nonprintable characters concept
Bug #1312: CodeEditor: Block replace should be optimized - takes to long with 1MB line and a lot of replaces
Bug #1316: OpenGL 3 support in win
Bug #1325: LineEdit: Rectangular block delete in 250MB file does not work
Bug #1341: Menubar icon bar on Windows is too high due to HiDPI feature
Feature #1351: If separator is close it can move whole group
Task #1355: Comments keyword should be more independent from CSyntax
Feature #1378: FileSel could offer manual path edit
Bug #1435: Double click on world shouldn't mark space after world
Feature #1440: Threads can have names
Feature #1460: Disable arraty shuold change paper color
Task #1479: Core get ride of "extra ;" warning with pedantic mode
Bug #1667: TheIde crash after suspend (linux)
Bug #1678: Assist++ cannot recognize enum class inside the class
Task #1691: Improve nightly tarballs
Bug #1784: Switch control dose not work with tap even on GTK 2.0
Task #1840: System notification should not be limited only to tray icon
Feature #1877: Returning Tuple that contains Vector should be possible
Feature #1894: One should support custom deleters
Bug #1937: TheIDE help doesn't disply related package
Task #2074: macOS toolbar should support application name approch
Feature #2160: UppHub: Background job that will detect which packages has updates
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